Statistics Calculator

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Regression Analysis

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Descriptive statisticsLocation parameterMeanMedianModeDispersion parameterStandard DeviationVarianceRangeQuartilesSkew and KurtosisTests for normal distribution (normality)Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Shapiro-Wilk and Anderson-Darling TestConfidence interval for meanFrequency tableContingency tableCharts (Diagrams, Plots)Bar ChartBoxplotViolin PlotRaincloud PlotHistogramScatter PlotLine ChartSankey DiagramBland-Altman PlotPareto ChartQuantile-Quantile PlotHypothesis Testingp-ValueOne sample t-testt-Test for independent samplest-test for paired samplesBinomial testChi-square testANOVAOne Way ANOVATwo Way ANOVAThree Way ANOVATwo Way ANOVA repeated measuresMixed model ANOVARepeated Measures ANOVAMann-Whitney U-TestWilcoxon-TestFriedman TestKruskal-Wallis TestCorrelationCovariancePearson correlationSpearman correlationPoint biserial correlationEtaRegressionLinear RegressionLogistic RegressionANCOVA (Analysis of Covariance)Moderation analysisMediation analysisPrincipal Component Analysis | PCA | Factor AnalysisReliability analysisCronbachs AlphaCohen’s KappaFleiss KappaKendall's TauKendall's WIntra-Class-CorrelationCluster analysis k-Means Cluster analysisHierarchical cluster analysisDecision Tree (CHAID)ROC (Receiver operating characteristic)Survival Analysis (Kaplan-Meier)Cox RegressionEquivalence and non-inferiority testAssociation Rules Analysis (Market Basket Analysis)Statistical Process Control (SPC)Control ChartsI ChartI-MR ChartXbar ChartXbar-R ChartP Chart NP ChartC ChartU ChartMeasurement system analysis (MSA, Gage R&R) Process Capability Analysis DoE (Design of Experiments)2-Level Factorial DesignFull Factorial DesignFractional Factorial DesignPlackett-Burman DesignBox-Behnken DesignCentral Composite Design

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"DataTab was a lifesaver for my master's thesis! The intuitive interface made complex statistical analysis so much easier.I could easily understand and apply the findings without getting lost in the numbers."
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"As someone with no background in statistics, I was nervous about the analysis for my thesis. DataTab’s step-by-step guidance made it simple and stress-free. It was like having a tutor by my side!"
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"Our team uses DataTab for analyzing patient outcomes, and it has significantly reduced the time spent on statistical reporting. The intuitive interface and automatic result interpretations ensure we stay on schedule for critical projects."
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"DataTab has been a game-changer for my Six Sigma projects. It simplifies data analysis, and the interpretations are clear and actionable. It’s an indispensable tool for driving process improvement."
Ryan J., Six Sigma Black Belt

Online Statistics Calculator

Online Statistics Calculator

Alternative to statistical software like SPSS and Minitab

DATAtab was designed for ease of use and is a compelling alternative to statistical programs such as SPSS, Minitab and STATA. On, data can be statistically evaluated directly online and very easily (e.g. t-test, regression, correlation etc.). DATAtab's goal is to make the world of statistical data analysis as simple as possible, no installation and easy to use.

Cite DATAtab: DATAtab Team (2025). DATAtab: Online Statistics Calculator. DATAtab e.U. Graz, Austria. URL

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