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Metric Variables:
Ordinal Variables:
Nominal Variables:


Calculate mean, median and mode

With DATAtab you can calculate the mean, median and mode online. It is very simply copy your data into the upper table. Make sure to have the variable names in the first row of the data followed by the data itself!

Mean calculator

If you want to calculate the mean value of your data, simply copy your data into the upper table, the mean value will be calculated automatically.

Mean Calculator

This makes DATAtab an easy alternative to Excel or SPSS to calculate the mean value.

Calculate mean value online

In statistics, the mean value of your data is the average value of these numbers. You can calculate the mean by adding up all the numbers and dividing by the amount of numbers. The formula for the mean value thus results in:

Calculate Mean value

Median calculator

To calculate the median of your data, simply select one or more metric variables and click "Calculate Median".

Median Calculator

If you do not want to use Excel or SPSS to calculate the median, DATAtab is a simple alternative.

Calculate median online

The median is a measure of central tendency. It represents the value where 50% of the observations have a lower value and 50% have a higher value. Simply put, when you sort your data by size, the median is the value in the middle.

For an odd number of values, the median is a value of the value in the middle, for an even number of values, the median is the average of the two middle values.

Mode calculator

If you want to calculate the mode of your data, simply copy your data into the upper table, select one or more variables and click on Calculate mode in the options.

Mode calculator

Calculate mode online

The mode represents the most frequently occurring value in a data set. A data set can have more than one mode.

Use of mean, median and mode

Whether you can calculate the mean, median, and mode depends on the scale level of your data. You can always calculate the mode, since it does not require any order in the data. To calculate the median, your data must at least be ranked. The highest prerequisite is the mean value, here your data must be metric.

Calculate location parameters

The mean, median, and mode are location parameters; location parameters are used in descriptive statistics to indicate the central location of a distribution of data.

Cite DATAtab: DATAtab Team (2024). DATAtab: Online Statistics Calculator. DATAtab e.U. Graz, Austria. URL

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