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Status Event=1, Censored=0:


Cox Regression Calculator

Here you can calculate a Cox regression directly online. To calculate the Survival analysis with a Cox Proportional Hazard Model just copy your data into the table above.

Cox Regression Calculator

For the Cox regression calculator you need at least 3 variables, once the variable with the past time until the event, a variable whether the event occurred or not (censored) and then the variables for the predictors. When all variables are selected, a Cox Regression analysis is automatically calculated.

The Cox Proportional Hazards Survival Regression results are then presented as follows:

Cox Proportional Hazard Model

In the last table, the first column contains the names of the variables. Most important of this table is the estimated regression coefficient and the p-value.

With the p-value you can see if the regression coefficient is significantly different from zero. So the null hypothesis is, in the population the coefficient is zero. Let's say, as usual, that we set our significance level at 5%, then for p values less than 5% or 0.05, the null hypothesis is rejected and the coefficient is significantly different from zero.

Cox proportional hazards model Calculator

With the Cox Proportional Hazards Survival Regression you can analyzes survival-time data. You need to provide survival times, final status (alive or dead) , and one or more independent variables.

Cite DATAtab: DATAtab Team (2024). DATAtab: Online Statistics Calculator. DATAtab e.U. Graz, Austria. URL

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