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Nominal Variables:


Fleiss Kappa Calculator

The Fleiss Kappa is a value used for interrater reliability. If you want to calculate the Fleiss Kappa with DATAtab you only need to select more than two nominal variables that have the same number of values.

If DATAtab recognized your data as metric, please change the scale level to nominal so that you can calculate the Fleiss Kappa online.

Fleiss Kappa Calculator

If you select two ordinal variables, the Cohen's Kappa calculator is used.

Calculate Fleiss Kappa online

The following table can be used to interpret the calculated Fleiss Kappa (Landis & Koch 1977):

Kappa Level of Agreement
> 0,8 Almost perfect
> 0,6 Substantial
> 0,4 Moderate
> 0,2 Fair
> 0 Slight
< 0 No agreement

Standard error Fleiss kappa

The standard error for Fleiss kappa is calculated according to Cohen (1960) with the following equation calculated

Standard error Fleiss kappa

Online kappa Calculator

The world of statistics is intricate, filled with various tools to help quantify and interpret data. One such tool, often used in research involving categorical data, is the Kappa coefficient. Yet, despite its importance, calculating it manually can be tedious. Enter the Online Kappa Calculator — a game-changer for researchers and data enthusiasts alike.


Cohen, Jacob. 1960. 'A Coefficient of Agreement for Nominal Scales'. Educational and Psychological Measurement. Vol. 20, No. 1, 37-46.

Cite DATAtab: DATAtab Team (2024). DATAtab: Online Statistics Calculator. DATAtab e.U. Graz, Austria. URL

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