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Metric Variables:
Ordinal Variables:
Nominal Variables:


Create bar chart online

Here you will find everything about the bar chart topic. You can easily create your bar chart online or read the theory about bar charts in the tutorial. Bar charts give a quick and good picture of the frequency distribution of your data. To create your bar chart online, copy your data into the upper table and select the desired variables below.

Create bar chart

Create bar chart

How do I create a bar chart? Depending on how your variables are scaled and what you want to indicate, the length of the bars can have different meanings. When a bar chart is created for a nominally or ordinally scaled variable, the bar height indicates the frequency of each occurrence. When a bar chart is created for a metric and categorical variable, such as income and gender, the bar height indicates the mean value of the metric variable, in this example, income.

Create Error Bars online

Error bars are a graphical representation of the scatter of data. With error bars you can see how accurate your measurement is and get an overview in which range your data is! The error bars of DATAtab give you either the standard error, the standard deviation or the 95% confidence interval.

Error Bars

Cite DATAtab: DATAtab Team (2024). DATAtab: Online Statistics Calculator. DATAtab e.U. Graz, Austria. URL

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