ANOVA Calculator
Medical example data Social science example dataTo calculate an analysis of variance online, simply copy your data into the table above and select your variables. Depending on which and how many variables you select, either a one-factor or a two-way analysis of variance with or without repeated measures will be calculated.

For example, select a metric variable and a categorical variable with more than two values and a one-way ANOVA without repeated measures is calculated. Afterwards you get the results clearly presented.
DATAtab automatically calculates an analysis of variance if the independent variable has more than two characteristic values, i.e. if more than two groups are to be compared with each other.
So, if you want to calculate an ANOVA or an analysis of variance with your own data, empty the upper table (click on Empty Table), copy your own data into it and make sure that the variable name is in the first row. Then select the variables for which you want to calculate an ANOVA.
A one-way analysis of variance or a two-way ANOVA with and without repeated measures can be easily calculated.

Calculate one-way analysis of variance
You want to know if the means of more than two groups are equal? Then select a metric variable and a categorical variable with more than two values. Click here for the tutorial on one-way analysis of variance.
Calculate two-way analysis of variance
Of course you can also calculate a two-way analysis of variance (also called two factorial analysis of variance) with DATAtab, just select two categorical variables and one metric variable. The result of the calculated 2-way ANOVA then looks like this:

A two factorial analysis of variance is used to estimate how the mean of one variable changes according to the levels of two categorical variables. You use a two-factor analysis of variance when you want to find out if there is an influence of two independent variables on a dependent variable. Click here for the tutorial on two-way analysis of variance.
Calculate ANOVA with repeated measures
You have a metric variable, which has been measured several times? Then select more than two metric variables. Click here for the tutorial on analysis of variance with repeated measures.
Calculating two-way analysis of variance with repeated measures
You have an interval-scaled variable, which has been repeated several times (repeated measurement) with your test persons and additionally another independent variable? Then select more than two metric variables and the additional dependent variable. Click here for the tutorial on two-way analysis of variance with repeated measures or for more information about the Repeated Measures ANOVA Calculator.
The assumptions for the calculation of an ANOVA are not fulfilled?
If the test for normal distribution shows that your data are not normally distributed, then you can use the nonparametric alternatives to analysis of variance.
If you want to compare more than two independent groups, you can calculate the Kruskal-Wallis test online. If you have more than two dependent groups, you can use the Friedman Test Calculator.
Calculate Bonferroni post-hoc test
When you calculate a one-way analysis of variance, DATAtab automatically outputs the Bonferroni post-hoc test. With the Bonferroni post-hoc test you can calculate which of the groups differ significantly.