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Dependent Variable (Y)
Independent Variable (X)
Mediator Variable (M)
Moderator Variable (W) Automatically centred


Moderation and mediation analysis

With DATAtab you can calculate a moderation or mediation analysis online, simply select your desired variables. If you want to calculate moderation analysis, simply select a dependent variable, an independent variable and the moderator variable. If you want to calculate mediation analysis, select one dependent variable, one independent variable and the mediator variable.

In both mediation and facilitation, the aim is to gain a better understanding of the relationship between an independent and a dependent variable. For this purpose, the influence of a third variable on the correlation is investigated.

Calculate mediation analysis online

The most common model for mediation analysis consists of the independent variable X, the dependent variable Y and the mediator M. In this mediation model, there are two ways in which the independent variable X can influence the dependent variable Y. The mediator M is the independent variable X and the dependent variable Y.

  • The direct effect of X on Y that does not go via mediator M.
  • The indirect effect of X on Y going through the mediator M.
Mediation Analysis Calculator

The indirect way describes how the dependent variable X influences the mediator M, which in turn influences Y. The mediation analysis tries to answer "how" the variable X influences the variable Y.

Mediation Analysis Calculator

In the mediation analysis calculator with DATAtab you only need to copy your data into the upper table and then you can select the desired variables. The mediation analysis calculator shows you the results graphically and in tabular form.

Calculate moderation analysis online

Moderation analysis is calculated when the relationship between two variables depends on a third variable. This third variable is called a moderator.

Moderation analysis calculator

Moderation analysis calculator

In the moderation analysis calculator here on DATAtab, simply copy your data into the upper table and then you can select the desired variables. The Moderation Analysis Calculator will then show you the results graphically and in tabular form.

Cite DATAtab: DATAtab Team (2024). DATAtab: Online Statistics Calculator. DATAtab e.U. Graz, Austria. URL

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