Wilcoxon Test Calculator
Medical example dataTo calculate a Wilcoxon test, simply select two metric variables and click on Nonparametric test or select two ordinal variables. Now you just have to click on Wilcoxon test and then you will get the results clearly displayed.

The Wilcoxon test is the nonparametric counterpart of the t-test for dependent samples and tells you whether your two dependent samples are significantly different.
Calculate Wilcoxon test online
For the calculation of the Wilcoxon test, the rank sums of the dependent groups are used and not the mean values as in the t-test. This means that your data do not have to be normally distributed. Try the Wilcoxon test calculator, it's easy!

If you don't have a dependent sample, but you need to calculate a non-parametric test, just use the Mann-Whitney U-Test calculator. If you would like to calculate a Friedman's test online, you only need to select more than two metric variables.