I Chart Maker
You can easily create an I Chart online here! Simply copy your data into the table and select the measurements.

The I Chart will then be created for you online.

Below the I Chart the I-MR Chart is displayed. Online statistical process control enables continuous monitoring of production processes to uphold consistent quality standards across manufacturing operations.
Create an I Chart online
In Statistical Process Control (SPC), an I-Chart, also known as an Individual Measurement Chart or Individuals Chart, is a type of control chart used to monitor the stability and variation of a process over time.Here's how it works.
Individual Data Points
Each data point plotted on the chart represents an individual measurement or observation taken from the process being monitored. These measurements could be taken at regular intervals, such as hourly, daily, or weekly, depending on the nature of the process.
Center Line
The center line on the chart represents the average or mean of all the individual data points. It provides a reference point for detecting shifts or trends in the process.
Control Limits
Upper and lower control limits are also plotted on the chart. These limits are typically set at a certain number of standard deviations (usually three) from the center line. They serve as boundaries to identify when the process is exhibiting statistically significant variation or is out of control.
When the data points fall within the control limits and show random variation around the center line, the process is considered to be in control, indicating that it is stable and predictable. However, if any data points fall outside the control limits or if there are non-random patterns or trends in the data, it suggests that the process may be experiencing special causes of variation, which require investigation and corrective action.