Mann-Whitney U-test calculator
With DATAtab you can easily calculate the Mann-Whitney U test online. There is nothing to install or download, you can start right from this page!
Just select an ordinal or metric variable and a nominal variable with two values and click on Nonparametric test. Just select an ordinal or metric variable and a nominal variable with two values and click on Nonparametric test. Try it now with the sample data already inserted and click on Income and Gender.
To calculate a Mann-Whitney U-test for your own data, simply empty the top table and paste your data into the Mann-Whitney U-test calculator.
Calculate Mann-Whitney U-test online
If you have two independent samples, you can use the Mann Whitney U-Test calculator to calculate a nonparametric test directly online. Since this is a nonparametric test, the data need not be normally distributed. The result looks like this:
The Mann Whitney U-Test calculator can be used to read the p-value to determine whether or not the null hypothesis is rejected. In the Mann Whitney U-Test, the null hypothesis is that there is no difference between the samples.
If you don't know exactly how to interpret the results, DATAtab also gives you a summary iun words: For the given data a Mann-Whitney U-Test showed that the difference between Female and Male with respect to the dependent variable Salary was not statistically significant, U=6, p=.065, r= 0.56. Thus, the null hypothesis is not rejected.
Mann-Whitney U test
The Mann-Whitney U test is a statistical test used to determine if there are differences between two independent groups when the data isn’t normally distributed or when you're dealing with ordinal data. In essence, the Mann-Whitney U test helps determine if one group tends to rank higher than the other group.